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Le discours de la méthode (The Discourse on Method): 12 works, 1969
The set of 12 works comprising eight screenprints in colors and two lithographs in colors, on Rives BFK and light-weight card paper, with full margins and the full sheets, one screenprinted Plexiglas multiple and one screenprinted aluminum multiple, with text Le discours de la méthode by René Descartes, all contained in the original grey paper-covered portfolio, lacking four lithographs, six screenprints and two collages
Le discours de la méthode (The Discourse on Method): 12 works, 1969
The set of 12 works comprising eight screenprints in colors and two lithographs in colors, on Rives BFK and light-weight card paper, with full margins and the full sheets, one screenprinted Plexiglas multiple and one screenprinted aluminum multiple, with text Le discours de la méthode by René Descartes, all contained in the original grey paper-covered portfolio, lacking four lithographs, six screenprints and two collages
The prints all signed in pencil or black ink and numbered 106/138 in pencil, both multiples signed and numbered in black ink (there were also 15 artist's proofs and 7 hors commerce), published by Editions Esselier, Paris