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Stand 07.01.2025


Lot 357
Mourning, 1964
Pencil and newspaper on wood panel

182 x 182 cm

Lot 357
Mourning, 1964
Pencil and newspaper on wood panel
182,0 x 182,0 cm

Schätzpreis: ¥ 600.000 - 900.000
€ 3.700 - 5.500
Auktion: 13 Tage

SBI Art Auction Co., Ltd.

Auktion: 26.01.2025
Auktionsnummer: 127
Auktionsname: Modern and Contemporary Art @HILLSIDE FORUM

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Lot Details
Signed on the reverse
Lot Details
Signed on the reverse

1 weiteres Werk von Taizo YOSHINAKA
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