1964 Hamburg
Title: "T-Line".
Subtitle: 2-part work.
Date: 1993-95.
Technique: Each: Pencil on vellum.
Notation: Signed, titled, dated and inscribed verso: FRANK GERRITZ # T-LINE # 1993-95 PENCIL ON PAPER 2-PARTS (UPPER) RESP. (BELOW). As well as inscribed on a work.
Frame/Pedestal: Framed (49 x 65,5cm).
Each: Minimally wavy due to the manufacturing process. Verso mounted (mounting minimally bleeding through on the lower sheet on recto). Otherwise in very good condition. Not examined out of the frame.
- Kunstraum Neue Kunst, Hannover (according to consignor)
- Bremer Landesbank
Estimated shipping costs for this lot:
The lot is unsuitable for parcel shipping. Transport only by forwarding agent by arrangement after the auction.