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Portrait of a Woman, with her head tilted to the left
bears shelf mark and old attribution on the backing of the old mount: G / N.o 7 / Giorgione da Castelfranco born 1477 died 1511 / was Scholar to Gio: Bellini, imitated Leo: da Vinci / he was a Venitian & painted history & Portraits
Portrait of a Woman, with her head tilted to the left
bears shelf mark and old attribution on the backing of the old mount: G / N.o 7 / Giorgione da Castelfranco born 1477 died 1511 / was Scholar to Gio: Bellini, imitated Leo: da Vinci / he was a Venitian & painted history & Portraits
220,0 x 146,0 mm
Schätzpreis: US$ 6.000 - 8.000
€ 5.800 - 7.700
Auktion: 27 Tage
Sotheby's New York
Ort: New York
Auktion: 05.02.2025 11:00 Uhr
Auktionsnummer: N11709
Auktionsname: Master Works on Paper from Five Centuries