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Stand 09.03.2025

Afewerk Tekle

Lot 28
African Animals & Mother and Child (2)
oil on canvas applied to board

58.7 x 48.8 cm

Lot 28
African Animals & Mother and Child (2)
oil on canvas applied to board
58,7 x 48,8 cm

Schätzpreis: £ 2.000 - 3.000
€ 2.400 - 3.600
Auktion: 5 Tage

Bonhams London, New Bond Street

Ort: London, New Bond Street
Auktion: 20.03.2025 15:00 Uhr
Auktionsnummer: 30638
Auktionsname: Modern & Contemporary African Art

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Lot Details
signed and dated in Amharic and 'afewerk Tekle/1967' (lower right), signed and dated in Amharic and 'afewek tekle/ 1977' (lower right)
Lot Details
signed and dated in Amharic and 'afewerk Tekle/1967' (lower right), signed and dated in Amharic and 'afewek tekle/ 1977' (lower right)

1 weiteres Werk von Afewerk Tekle
5 Tage | Bonhams London, New Bond Street