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Probably third quarter 19th century, a carved white marble figure of an allegorical semi-clad maiden floating upon swirling cloud above a putto holding a floral garland and holding aloft a cloak above her head with raised right hand, her left hand shielding her face, raised on an oval cloud base and conforming moulded oval socle plinth
Probably third quarter 19th century, a carved white marble figure of an allegorical semi-clad maiden floating upon swirling cloud above a putto holding a floral garland and holding aloft a cloak above her head with raised right hand, her left hand shielding her face, raised on an oval cloud base and conforming moulded oval socle plinth
84,0 x 19,5 x 26,0 cm
Schätzpreis: £ 6.000 - 8.000
€ 7.200 - 9.700
Auktion: 8 Tage
Bonhams London, New Bond Street
Ort: Online, London, New Bond Street
Auktion: 05.03.2025 12:00 Uhr
Auktionsnummer: 31118
Auktionsname: The Guy Bailey Collection of Victorian Art