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Giuseppe Renda : A patinated bronze model of 'Spring Breeze'
Lot 440
The animated young maiden with with hands outstretched, clad in a flower headdress and diaphanous gown, the cast indistinctly marked to the base D?/S? RITTI, DAUiORE?, and with ART LAGANA NAPOLI, foundry mark, the underside numbered 21531, 31.2cm high overall
The animated young maiden with with hands outstretched, clad in a flower headdress and diaphanous gown, the cast indistinctly marked to the base D?/S? RITTI, DAUiORE?, and with ART LAGANA NAPOLI, foundry mark, the underside numbered 21531, 31.2cm high overall
31,2 x cm
Schätzpreis: £ 500 - 700
€ 600 - 840
Auktion: morgen
Bonhams London, New Bond Street
Ort: Online, London, Knightsbridge
Auktion: 25.02.2025 10:00 Uhr
Auktionsnummer: 30581
Auktionsname: The Connoisseur's Library Sale Part I