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C - Lot 236 Painting on paper depicting an erotic scene in a pavilion
Lot 236
Painting on paper depicting an erotic scene in a pavilion, China, 19th century
Ink and polychrome on paper, decorated with pavilions, trees, rocks and a small bridge set around a pond floating with aquatic plants, with a surrounding wall in the distance
Painting on paper depicting an erotic scene in a pavilion, China, 19th century
Ink and polychrome on paper, decorated with pavilions, trees, rocks and a small bridge set around a pond floating with aquatic plants, with a surrounding wall in the distance
18,5 x 31,0 cm
€ 200 - 300
Auktion: 4 Tage
Ader Maison de ventes
Ort: Salle 6 - Hôtel Drouot , 9, rue Drouot 75009 Paris