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Stand 20.12.2024

NamJune Paik

Lot 17
Beuys Vox (6 works)
mixed media

Lot 17
Beuys Vox (6 works)
mixed media

Schätzpreis: ₩ 40.000.000 - 100.000.000
€ 27.000 - 67.000
Auktion: morgen

Seoul Auction Co., Ltd.

Auktion: 08.01.2025 14:00 Uhr
Auktionsnummer: 945
Auktionsname: Online 1/8

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Sie sind Seoul Auction Co., Ltd.?

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Lot Details
various size edition number not specified there are 16 exemples and 4 artist's proofs
Lot Details
various size edition number not specified there are 16 exemples and 4 artist's proofs

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