Stand 19.02.2025

Larry Zox

Lot 549
Middle Yellow, 1982
acrylic on canvas

151,8 x 81,3 cm (59,8 x 32,0 in)

Lot 549
Middle Yellow, 1982
acrylic on canvas
151,8 x 81,3 cm (59,8 x 32,0 in)

Schätzpreis: US$ 6.000 - 8.000
€ 5.700 - 7.700
Auktion: 4 Tage

Sotheby's New York

Ort: New York
Auktion: 28.02.2025 12:00 Uhr
Auktionsnummer: N11785
Auktionsname: Contemporary Discoveries

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Lot Details
signed (on the overlap)
Lot Details
signed (on the overlap)

1 weiteres Werk von Larry Zox

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