Stand 09.03.2025


Lot 162
Street Urchins
oil on board

27.5 x 47.5 x 4 cm

Lot 162
Street Urchins
oil on board
27,5 x 47,5 x 4,0 cm

Schätzpreis: US$ 100 - 150
€ 92 - 140
Auktion: 7 Tage

Bonhams Los Angeles

Ort: Online, Skinner Marlborough, Massachusetts
Auktion: 19.03.2025 17:00 Uhr
Auktionsnummer: 30980
Auktionsname: Discovery | Interiors

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Lot Details
with the artist's cipher and dated '1861' (lower right, near the barrel); with a gallery label from Geo. Rowney & Co. (on the reverse)
Lot Details
with the artist's cipher and dated '1861' (lower right, near the barrel); with a gallery label from Geo. Rowney & Co. (on the reverse)
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