Tasse et soucoupe napolitaines à décor topographique, Real Fabbrica Ferdinandea, vers 1785A Real Fabbrica Ferdinandea topographical cup and saucer, circa 1785
Lot 82
Decorated with Views of Naples, the saucer with the Chiesa di San Vitale Fuori grotto, the cup with Gorcelle, each with a title in iron-red to the reverse, the rims with gilt neoclassical strapwork borders including swags of flowers and ornamental lines, 15cm diam. saucer (2)
Decorated with Views of Naples, the saucer with the Chiesa di San Vitale Fuori grotto, the cup with Gorcelle, each with a title in iron-red to the reverse, the rims with gilt neoclassical strapwork borders including swags of flowers and ornamental lines, 15cm diam. saucer (2)