Stand 08.01.2025

Lot 1915
Recto: Venus Bathing, after Giambologna; Verso: A partial study of an Architectural Detail
bears old attribution, verso: Giovanni da Bologna

306 x 112 mm

Lot 1915
Recto: Venus Bathing, after Giambologna; Verso: A partial study of an Architectural Detail
bears old attribution, verso: Giovanni da Bologna
306,0 x 112,0 mm

Schätzpreis: US$ 4.000 - 6.000
€ 3.900 - 5.800
Auktion: 5 Tage

Sotheby's New York

Ort: New York
Auktion: 11.02.2025 10:00 Uhr
Auktionsnummer: N11702
Auktionsname: The Vision of Aso O. Tavitian | The Online Sale

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