Stand 20.02.2025


Lot 221
Untitled, 2007
acrylic and silkscreen ink on panel

20,3 x 67,9 cm (8,0 x 26,8 in)

Lot 221
Untitled, 2007
acrylic and silkscreen ink on panel
20,3 x 67,9 cm (8,0 x 26,8 in)

Schätzpreis: £ 2.000 - 3.000
€ 2.400 - 3.600
Auktion: heute

Christie's London

Ort: London
Auktion: 06.03.2025
Auktionsnummer: 23512
Auktionsname: Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Sale

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Lot Details
signed and stamped with the date '2007, faile' (on the reverse)
Lot Details
signed and stamped with the date '2007, faile' (on the reverse)

1 weiteres Werk

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