Stand 16.02.2025

Deux bougeoirs napolitains, Real Fabbrica Ferdinandea, vers 1790Two Naples, Real Fabbrica Ferdiandea candlesticks, circa 1790

Lot 83
Decorated with smalto stanifero or tin glaze and mounted on three reclining fauns holding up the candlestick, the sconces with moulded acanthus leaves, all in polychrome decoration picked out in gilding, the sconces attached with metal rods, each 24cm high, (one with restoration)

24 x cm

Lot 83
Decorated with smalto stanifero or tin glaze and mounted on three reclining fauns holding up the candlestick, the sconces with moulded acanthus leaves, all in polychrome decoration picked out in gilding, the sconces attached with metal rods, each 24cm high, (one with restoration)
24,0 x cm

€ 2.000 - 3.000
Auktion: 2 Tage

Bonhams Los Angeles

Ort: Online, Paris, avenue Hoche
Auktion: 26.02.2025 11:00 Uhr
Auktionsnummer: 31330
Auktionsname: The Classics Paris Online

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