Stand 21.02.2025

Imi Knoebel

Lot 5
Twins 9, 2007
Acrylic on aluminum

146 x 99 x 6 cm

Lot 5
Twins 9, 2007
Acrylic on aluminum
146,0 x 99,0 x 6,0 cm

€ 30.000 - 40.000
Auktion: heute

Ketterer Kunst GmbH & Co KG

Ort: Munich
Auktion: 15.03.2025 15:02 Uhr
Auktionsnummer: 565
Auktionsname: Online Sale

Lot Details
Acrylic on aluminum and acrylic on pastic foil, on on aluminum brackets. Lower aluminum panel B signed and dated, with a label inscribed with the dimensions and mounting instructions; panel A with a label. Plastic foils numbered, aluminum bracket with labels. Total dimensions: 146 x 99 x 6 cm.
- Knoebel's works represent some of the most radical and most rigorous positions in contemporary abstraction. - Balanced and harmonious composition that floats in perfect balance. - Knoebel's works are in renowned international collections, including the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, and the Albertina, Vienna. - Most recently, Knoebel's works were on display in the exhibition “Imi Knoebel. Green Flag” at the White Cube, Hong Kong (2023), and in the exhibition ‘Balance’ at the Hamburger Bahnhof - Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart, Berlin (2022).
Galerie Lelong, Zürich. Private collection (acquired from the above in 2013)
In very good condition.
Lot Details
Acrylic on aluminum and acrylic on pastic foil, on on aluminum brackets. Lower aluminum panel B signed and dated, with a label inscribed with the dimensions and mounting instructions; panel A with a label. Plastic foils numbered, aluminum bracket with labels. Total dimensions: 146 x 99 x 6 cm.
- Knoebel's works represent some of the most radical and most rigorous positions in contemporary abstraction. - Balanced and harmonious composition that floats in perfect balance. - Knoebel's works are in renowned international collections, including the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, and the Albertina, Vienna. - Most recently, Knoebel's works were on display in the exhibition “Imi Knoebel. Green Flag” at the White Cube, Hong Kong (2023), and in the exhibition ‘Balance’ at the Hamburger Bahnhof - Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart, Berlin (2022).
Galerie Lelong, Zürich. Private collection (acquired from the above in 2013)
In very good condition.

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heute | Ketterer Kunst GmbH & Co KG

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